10. Influence

As an innovator and pioneer of his time, Buckminster Fuller had a tremendous impact on society and the great thinkers of today. During a time where the environment and efficiency was not a factor, Buckminster came up with alternative methods of thinking and solving problems.  As a student who is striving for success, I believe following the mindset of Buckminster would be helpful in reaching success. He has helped me realize that I should try to be less mainstream and try to think more uniquely. But at the same time his life has shown that good ideas won’t always be successful unless society accepts them.  He also helped me understand that using forms and shapes can help create different designs that  are both “efficient”, for example a dome requires less ventilation due to its round shape and uses less sq footage for the volume of space given. One key factor that I’ve learned from him is that, these days budget and low cost is an enormous factor for people and Bucky has taught me that by thinking alternatively and smart you can achieve many things, and if I understand the science of nature and different materials, I could easily incorporate them into my designs.

1 thought on “10. Influence

  1. I really agree the fact that there are no standard of success in design. But this is the reality right?
    As long as your customers like it, or the majority people like it, then it is a success. However, does success necessarily mean correct? Success is built by people’s agreement, but what is correct? People’s thinking does not necessarily mean correct. Being successful does not necessarily mean correct, it might just be a step toward one’s goal; no matter the step is right or wrong, reaching the goal is what matters for most people(In this case, its the agreement from the society). On the other hand, rejection from the society does not mean unsuccessful. As a result, as long as he knows what he is doing, he does not have to think about the comments from society because art is freedom and limitless.


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